Booking Request First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Service Needed -- Service Needed --Cleaning and OrganizingConsignmentPersonal StylingEVERYTHING! Closet Type Closet Type Reach-In Walk-In Which best describes you? Which best describes you? Minimalist Collector Hoarder Sentimental Clinger How many times a day do you open/walk into your closet a day? -- How many times a day do you open/walk into your closet a day? --1-34-7Live in there When was the last time you organized your closet? -- When was the last time you organized your closet? --0-2 months3-5 months6+ months Which process do you feel you need most? Which process do you feel you need most? Average Spring Cleaning Complete Clean Out A Style Revamp Would you say most of your 'excess' clothing needs to be Would you say most of your 'excess' clothing needs to be Sold Donated Thrown Away Are the majority of your clothes Are the majority of your clothes Hung Folded Is your closet missing something? Please select all that apply Is your closet missing something? Please select all that apply Felt Hangers Wooden Hangers Belt Hangers Tie Hangers Handbag Dividers Jewelry Organizers Storage Boxes Shoe Boxes Requested Appointment Date(s). Please include at least two potential dates and times Questions/Comments 2 + 1 = Submit